Sprints Say Singer Karla Chubb Was Sexually Assaulted During A Show For The Second Time This Tour

Niamh Barry

Sprints Say Singer Karla Chubb Was Sexually Assaulted During A Show For The Second Time This Tour

Niamh Barry

The Dublin rock band Sprints have issued a statement condemning a recurring audience misbehavior at their concerts. According to the message, posted on the band’s Twitter account Sunday, singer Karla Chubb was sexually assaulted by someone in the crowd during Saturday’s show in Belfast. It’s the second such incident this tour. “We will not stand for it and we will not be silent about it,” the band writes.

Here’s the full statement:

Yesterday, Karla was sexually assaulted for the second time on the Letter To Self tour. The fact that this has occurred twice is abhorrent, the fact it still happens at all is disgusting. We will not stand for it and we will not be silent about it.

Female performers should be able to engage with their audience, step off the stage or perform without fear of groping, unwanted touching, cat-calling and harassment. The fact that this is still an every day occurrence for most women is beyond reprehensible.

To those who noticed and called out the behaviour yesterday, thank you. To those of you responsible for the behaviour, shame on you. Do better.

Sprints’ current tour of Ireland continues through May 4. We named them a Band To Watch last year, and their debut LP Letter To Self was our first Album Of The Week of 2024.

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