Ben Katzman Didn’t Win Survivor, But He Has A New Song Out Today

CJ Harvey

Ben Katzman Didn’t Win Survivor, But He Has A New Song Out Today

CJ Harvey

Earlier this year, the indie rock internet was aflame with the news that Ben Katzman, former bassist of Guerrilla Toss, was a contestant on season 46 of Survivor. Katzman did well on the show, too. He made it to last night’s final elimination, and he became a “fan favorite,” at least according to this press release that I’m looking at right now. (To fact-check that claim, I’d have to immerse myself in Survivor fan communities, and that’s not something that I’m willing to do this morning, so I will simply rock with it.) Katzman didn’t win the season last night. He’ll have to settle for second runner-up status. But it must be some consolation that his tenure on the show has reignited his indie rock career; he’s got a new solo single out today.

Ben Katzman was only in Guerrilla Toss from 2015 to 2016. More recently, he’s been living in Miami, leading the band DeGreaser, and running the label BUFU Records, at least when he’s not working actual jobs. Now, Katzman has a few shows coming up, including a gig with Colleen Green at New York’s Mercury Lounge tonight, and he’s just released the new song “Fire Sprite,” which is apparently inspired by his run on Survivor. Sample lyrics: “Lay beside the fire/ I’ll be here, I’ll be here/ A heart in a game of liars/ I’ll be here, I’ll be here.” Los Angeles country musician GracieHorse sings backup

Here’s how Katzman describes the track:

“Fire Sprite” really brings me back to that moment where I felt shrouded in complete darkness. A moment where panic kicked in, and fear took over every bone of my body. Feeling unsure which way to look, which way to feel, which way to be. It’s in those moments of fear and loneliness that you might find a friend, a flame to wash away that darkness… and you might even find that strength within to just keep going. This song is about feeling the sparks from the embers, lighting a fire from within.”

Below, listen to “Fire Sprite” and check out Ben Katzman’s tour dates.

5/23 – New York, NY @ Mercury Lounge *
5/25 – Orlando, FL @ Will’s Pub ^
6/01 – Fort Lauderdale, FL @ Revolution Live

* with Collen Green & GIFT DJ set
^ with the HVNZ, Discord Theory, & Imaginary Colors

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