Little Kids Are Here To Teach Charli XCX About Partying

Little Kids Are Here To Teach Charli XCX About Partying

Charli XCX loves to party. We know this. She’s not shy about it. Plenty of her best songs are about partying, or about the heartache that can come with the partied-out lifestyle. Charli’s famous Boiler Room set? A party! Thousands of people swarming Charli in Brooklyn? Also a party! But Charli XCX can always learn more about partying, and there’s nobody better to teach her than a bunch of little kids.

Next week, Charli XCX will release her new album Brat. As part of the record’s promotion, Charli recently put in an appearance on Recess Therapy, the YouTube series about little kids playing outside in Brooklyn. (The viral clip of the kid yelling about corn comes from Recess Therapy.) I truly appreciate the restraint that Charli showed in opting not to use the word “brat,” even in a playful way, to talk to her little-kid co-stars.

On this Recess Therapy episode, Charli and host/creator Julian Shapiro-Barnum ask a bunch of cute kids questions about partying. I feel like some of these kids might’ve been coached to be cute, but they are cute just the same. One little girl says, “My favorite party is a craaaaaazy party!” and then giggle maniacally. Another envisions a dance party where, if you don’t dance, “you won’t even get a sticker.” The wildcard is the kid who doesn’t like parties because “people are just so energized, and I don’t like being [disgusted sound] really energized.” He only likes heavy metal, and when he’s confronted with a Charli XCX track, he shoves his fingers in his ears. You can watch the episode below.

Brat is out 6/7 on Atlantic.

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