Previous Industries – “Zayre”

Robyn Von Swank

Previous Industries – “Zayre”

Robyn Von Swank

Earlier this year, indie-rap all-star Open Mike Eagle announced the formation of Previous Industries, his new group with longtime friends and collaborators Still Rift. and Video Dave. Next month, they’ll release their debut album Service Merchandise, and we’ve already posted the early tracks “Showbiz,” “Braids,” and “Pliers.” Today, they’ve got a new one.

Service Merchandise has a bunch of tracks named after retail giants that no longer exist; I went into the instant nostalgia zone just from seeing the words “Montgomery Ward” in the album’s tracklist. The latest Previous Industries track is the Child Actor-produced “Zayre,” named after a now-defunct department store chain. Like every other Previous Industries track, it’s a chance to hear these guys bring a loose, loopy energy to their raps. They all know what they’re doing.

In a press release, Previous Industries say, “When you have time, watch the commercials for Zayre and know that it was a real place where people bought action figures and pants. The producer Child Actor is a genius. He showed us his formula once, and we got really scared… There’s secret lyrics to the hook that [Open Mike Eagle will] never tell you. Dave might tell you for the right price, but he never will.” Listen below.

Service Merchandise is out 6/28 on Merge.

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