Lucta – “Incubus” & “Non Esisto”

Lucta – “Incubus” & “Non Esisto”

The Italian punk band Lucta haven’t put out anything since dropping their demo Black Magic Punk way back in 2018, but they’re finally ready to release an official debut album. Eterna Lotta is coming next month via London’s great Static Shock label, and Lucta have shared two one-minute rippers to whet our appetites. “Incubus” (not a reference to the band, I assume) and “Non Esisto” show off the strength and intensity of ’80s hardcore, but there’s a faint sheen over it all that makes it hit like pop (complimentary) even at its most aggressive. Maybe there are just traces of melody in those top-of-lungs vocal outbursts? Whatever’s happening here, I like it. Listen below.

Eterna Lotta is out 6/28 on Static Shock.

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