Stream Denver Hardcore Band Direct Threat’s Head-Stomping New EP Endless Siege

Stream Denver Hardcore Band Direct Threat’s Head-Stomping New EP Endless Siege

I know all about direct threats today. I brought it on myself. Did you know that Eminem’s stans are still committed to being stans, even after how he depicted them on “Stan”? Well, they are. They’re all in our comments section and my Twitter replies. At least one of them somehow got my phone number, and yes, he does use the Ken Kaniff voice. But that stuff doesn’t bother me too much, since I know about Direct Threat, too.

The Denver band Direct Threat makes fast, feral, bone-simple ’81-style hardcore punk. They sound like a pack of wolves whose howls have been magically altered to sound just like the first Negative Approach 7″. Direct Threat released a righteous self-titled LP in 2021, and now they’re back with Endless Siege, a new EP that bashes through six songs in nine minutes.

What is going on in that over art? A skinhead beheaded Cerberus? Is he waging an endless siege on Hades? Whatever. It’s perfect, and it’s the best possible representation of the way this EP sounds. Check it out below.

The Endless Siege EP is out now on Iron Lung Records.

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