Quivers – “Oyster Cuts”

Quivers – “Oyster Cuts”

Last month, Melbourne alt-rockers Quivers announced their signing to Merge, who’ll release their upcoming album Oyster Cuts. After sharing lead single “Apparition,” the quintet are sharing the record’s title track.

While “Apparition” was pretty straightforward rock, “Oyster Cuts” skews more new wave, supplementing bassist Bella Quinlan and drummer Holly Thomas’ joint lead vocal duties with a wash of dreamy synths. But don’t worry — there’s plenty of guitar still there too! That hazy ’80s energy also comes out in the music video, shot at an acquarium by Quivers’ own Michael Panton on an old-school camcorder.

Here’s the band’s statement on the track’s meaning:

This song was a wildcard. We wanted one really simple song to be trapped inside a warm feeling, like some abstracted memory. Bella and then Holly sing together from the perspective of someone surfacing from difficult things into falling for someone again. In a way, for such an underwater album, it’s about swimming away from grief. Swimming with someone else. It’s also that breathless feeling of finding someone and not being sure if you’ve dreamt them up. We project onto people all the time, but when you really get to know them and love them, they are more real than you could ever imagine. It ends in the controlled chaos of Mike’s feedback drones, something we are excited to further unshackle on the million shows we now have ahead.

Listen to “Oyster Cuts” below.

Oyster Cuts is out 8/9 via Merge.

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