Girlhood – “Get Ready”

Girlhood – “Get Ready”

Last year, Girlhood released their sophomore album The Lowdown, the follow-up to 2020’s self-titled. Today, the London duo is announcing their new LP Hot Mess and unveiling the exuberant lead single “Get Ready.”

“I wanted ‘Get Ready’ to be a throwback, feel-good RnB track, the type of songs that was mastered by groups like TLC and Spice Girls,” Christian Pinchbeck explained. “Working with Amber and Eloise, we brought the song to life with a text message like conversation from one supporting sister during the aftermath of a serious breakup. A simple, but heartwarming message of friendship. This inspired the narrative that carries throughout the entire album.”

About Hot Mess, Pinchbeck continued:

The album subconsciously reflected the music I grew up around during my early teenage years that my mum would play relentlessly in the car and on the home stereo. The likes of Moloko, Ace Of Base and Marvin Gaye. When starting, I decided to not worry about what genre I was making, but just make each song as good as it could be, and it wasn’t until reflecting on it at the end could I see where it all came from, which I found super interesting, even if it is a bit of a hot mess! Hence the name!

Making the album felt like therapy, the place where I can escape any worries from the outside world and being in recovery. Whenever I had negative thoughts, I would just go and work on the album. I started the album in rehab, as I was shut away for a month with only my laptop and my thoughts, away from my family and baby boy. Therefore, it’s an extremely personal album for me.

As is always the case with Girlhood projects, collaboration was at the centre of creating this album. Working with my childhood best friend Stuart on production, who also grew up on the same music and now creates DnB, helped shape the sonics of the record into a more electronic direction that was a surprisingly new landscape for Girlhood.

For this project I decided to work with one main songwriter, Amber Temple, who I met around the same time and blown away by her voice, the way she used it as this baffling aerobatic instrument and how she interpreted the music and world of Girlhood.

I also had the pleasure of working with a longtime inspiration of mine, Fyfe Dangerfield of Guillemots fame, who took on songwriting and vocal duties on the track True Synchronicity and assisted with the production across the album.

The album see’s the collaborative project that Girlhood started becoming after the departure of Tiece further grow to include a classically trained orchestrator, jazz saxophonist, bassist and many wonderful songwriters.

Hear “Get Ready” below.

01 “Kissing You”
02 “Can’t Tell You Stop”
03 “Superspreader”
04 “Hot Mess”
05 “You Are Loved”
06 “The Way Love Goes”
07 “Get Ready”
08 “True Synchronicity”
09 “Nothing Like This Feeling (Real Love)”
10 “Sunflower”

Hot Mess is out later this year via Team Talk.

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