Jeshi – “Total 90”

Will Hooper

Jeshi – “Total 90”

Will Hooper

Have you ever wondered what “Song 2” would sound like as a rap song? Lucky for you, Jeshi is here to show you. The British rapper transformed the Blur hit into a totally new track titled “Total 90,” out today.

“I was in this mental house in Paris with Dom Valentino Fredwave and Elijah Waters finishing up my 2nd album,” Jeshi explained. “We wanted to make something fun and sampling in that way isn’t something we’d done before thought it could be mad. It samples ‘Song 2’ which has a certain nostalgia which I thought would be cool to turn on its head. Meant a lot that Blur were into it and gave approval to release the song — all came full circle.”

He added, “Will Hooper directed the video, we just wanted to make something full of chaos and frantic energy which he pulled off. Super proud of it.”

Watch the video below.

Samuel Ibram

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