Travis Scott Arrested For Disorderly Intoxication & Trespassing After Miami Beach Yacht Altercation

Travis Scott Arrested For Disorderly Intoxication & Trespassing After Miami Beach Yacht Altercation

Police in Miami Beach arrested Travis Scott early this morning for disorderly intoxication and trespassing, as the BBC reports. The 33-year-old rap star was taken into custody around 4:30AM, following an altercation at Miami Beach Marina.

According to TMZ, police responded to a call about a fight on a boat. They found Travis Scott arguing with someone else on a yacht. They reportedly escorted him off the boat, and he had a car waiting for him, but he told police that he was “gonna catch a fade” if he got into the car. Scott allegedly returned five minutes later, getting aggressive with the cops, who were still there. They claim that he smelled like alcohol. There’s speculation that problems arose when Scott didn’t want to leave a party, though it never got violent. Scott is already free after posting bond.

Travis Scott last appeared on this website for getting involved in a brawl with Tyga at the Cannes Film Festival last month. His European tour is scheduled to begin in the Netherlands in eight days.

UPDATE: In a statement, Travis Scott’s lawyer Bradford Cohen says, “Mr. Scott was briefly detained due to a misunderstanding. There was absolutely no physical altercation involved, and we thank the authorities for working with us towards a swift and amicable resolution.”

UPDATE 2: Scott put his mugshot into a T-shirt with the caption “FREE THE RAGE.” It’s on sale at his online shop for $35.

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