MJ Lenderman – “She’s Leaving You”

MJ Lenderman – “She’s Leaving You”

Let the Lendermania commence! MJ Lenderman — Wednesday guitarist, Waxahatchee hired gun, and solo artist extraordinaire — is back today with news of a new album, his first for Anti after making his debut for the label with last year’s stellar “Rudolph” b/w “Knockin'” single and the live record MJ Lenderman And the Wind (Live And Loose!). The official follow-up to 2022’s Boat Songs will arrive in September. It’s called Manning Fireworks, and its lead single “She’s Leaving You” is out now.

“She’s Leaving You” is classic Lenderman, blurring the line between alt-country and ’90s slacker indie while threading classic rock and pop culture references into the lyrics. “You can put your clothes back on, she’s leaving you/ No time to apologize for the things you do,” Jake Lenderman sings, before alluding to some standard-issue midlife crisis coping mechanisms: “Go rent a Ferrari/ And sing the blues/ Believe that Clapton was the second coming.” There’s a backing vocal from Wednesday’s Karly Hartzman in there, too, which moves into the spotlight for the song’s big finish.

Directors Clay Tatum and Whitmer Thomas created a video for “She’s Leaving You” set at a talent show. Watch below.

01 “Manning Fireworks”
02 “Joker Lips”
03 “Rudolph”
04 “Wristwatch”
05 “She’s Leaving You”
06 “Rip Torn”
07 “You Don’t Know The Shape I’m In”
08 “On My Knees”
09 “Bark At The Moon”

Manning Fireworks is out 9/6 on Anti.

Karly Hartzman

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