Suede Debut New Song “Antidepressants” And Discuss “Strange” Next Album At Isle Of Wight

Suede Debut New Song “Antidepressants” And Discuss “Strange” Next Album At Isle Of Wight

Britpop OGs Suede — still technically known as the London Suede among provincial Americans — are still going strong after more than three decades in the game. The band released their ninth album Autofiction in 2022, and they came out with a deluxe edition last year. Now, Suede are working on another LP, and they debuted their new song “Antidepressants” over the weekend.

Suede played the UK’s historic Isle Of Wight festival on Saturday night. (They headlined the Big Top stage, that festival’s second stage, while Pet Shop Boys were the big draw on the main stage.) During their set, Suede played “Antidepressants,” which has some real spiky post-punk swagger to it. Watch a fan video of the performance below.

At the fest they Brett Anderson told Absolute Radio that they’ve begun recording their next album. “It’s gonna to be noisy,” he said. “It’s gonna to be strange. It’s gonna be more desperate and neurotic than Autofiction. It’s more unhinged, and, in a way, kind of like straighter and more honest.”

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