Listen To Weezer Do “Surf Wax America” With Joyce Manor’s Barry Johnson For Spotify

Listen To Weezer Do “Surf Wax America” With Joyce Manor’s Barry Johnson For Spotify

ICYMI, Weezer’s self-titled debut LP, aka the Blue Album, turned 30 years old earlier this year. In a couple of months, they’ll kick off an anniversary tour playing the record in full. Today, Weezer released a Spotify exclusive EP comprising new live studio versions of some of the record’s highlights, featuring an assist from someone a bit younger than them.

This rendition of “Surf Wax America” features Joyce Manor’s Barry Johnson helping out Rivers Cuomo on vocals. It’s pretty faithful to the original recording we know and love, but it reminds me of how my favorite Weezer songs tend to sound like my favorite Joyce Manor songs, which is a heartwarming thing to remember. (I was reminded of that last year, too, when Weezer tapped Joyce Manor for a leg of their “Indie Rock Roadtrip” tour.)

Elsewhere on the so-called 30th Anniversary Of Weezer EP, Cuomo and company do “Undone (The Sweater Song),” “Say It Ain’t So,” and “Buddy Holly.” Stream it below.

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