The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die – “Kersed” (Ceremony Cover)

The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die – “Kersed” (Ceremony Cover)

Have you ever been at a Ceremony show when they played “Kersed”? Because oh man. Holy shit. Ceremony have been through a great many evolutions over their lifespan, but “Kersed” remains one of their definitive anthems. The band released the minute-long face-basher on their 2006 debut album Violence Violence, back when they were still basically a powerviolence band. They still play it live, and it still goes off. Now, an unlikely group has dropped a cover of that song.

Emo-revival overlords The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die are not a hardcore band. They’re barely even hardcore-adjacent. But TWIABP are close enough that they’ll share a stage with Ceremony at this weekend’s Outbreak Fest in Manchester. Earlier this year, TWIABP returned with “Auguries Of Guilt,” their first new song in three years. Now, they’ve followed it with a faithfully fearsome take on “Kersed,” which proves that they could be a hardcore band if they wanted. (They’ve apparently covered it live a bunch of times.) Below, listen to the TWIABP cover and the Ceremony original.

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