Diplo Accused Of Distributing Revenge Porn By Second Woman

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Diplo Accused Of Distributing Revenge Porn By Second Woman

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

In 2020, a woman accused Diplo of distributing revenge porn. The 45-year-old DJ denied the allegations and was awarded $1.2 million in arbitration. Today, a second woman came forward with the same claim.

According to Vanity Fair, a woman identified as Jane Doe said in her suit that she interacted with Thomas Wesley Pentz in April 2016 on Snapchat when she was 21 years old. They exchanged pornographic images before beginning to have sex. Their relationship lasted until October 2023, and the following month she discovered that Pentz had been distributing images and videos of their sexual encounters without her knowledge or consent.

Doe claimed that she informed Pentz that she didn’t want him recording their sexual activities without her consent or distributing images or videos. A woman reached out to Doe in November of last year and said she was in possession of images and videos of Pentz and Doe having sex, which Pentz allegedly sent her on Snapchat in October 2018. Doe said Pentz continued to distribute the materials up until the present. She reported him to the New York Police Department on November 7 and a warrant was issued for his arrest, but it’s unclear if Pentz has been in New York.

If you or someone you know is undergoing sexual abuse, please visit rainn.org or contact the National Sexual Assault Helpline at 1-800-656-4673.

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