Uniform – “Permanent Embrace”

Uniform – “Permanent Embrace”

A few weeks ago, industrial group Uniform announced that they were going to release a new album, American Standard. At the time, they shared its lead single, “This Is Not A Prayer.” Now, Uniform have unveiled another pulverizing track “Permanent Embrace,” which also has a video directed by Sean Stout.

Here’s what vocalist Michael Berdan had to say about “Permanent Embrace,” particularly as it relates to his lifelong struggle with bulimia nervosa…

It touches on a facet of the disease that I’m incredibly wary of facing. Built on a narrative foundation laid out by author and lyrical collaborator Maggie Siebert, the song revolves around the idea of a person holding a loved one as an emotional hostage. Seeing perverse beauty in a story about a car crash, the narrator relates the analogy of two automobiles twisted together to that of his last standing relationship. As he has broken down over time, so has the one who continues to stand by him. The object of his manipulative guilt trips remains locked in a hopeless situation, terrified of what he may do to himself if they were to finally leave.

The music reflects the psychic violence of the lyrics, as riffs and rhythms that wouldn’t feel out of place in the Unsane catalog careen into giant synth melodies before collapsing into itself. This is kind of our misguided interpretation of what Faith No More were doing on ‘Angel Dust’, and we hope that our tip of the hat to those masters of madness can hold a candle to their horrific splendor.

Stout adds of the video:

Without sounding trite, when we first read Mike’s lyrics to the record our reaction was extremely visceral. They are brutally introspective and beautiful at times and we wanted to try visually to convey that range of emotion in a sequence of single images that unfold narratively and potentially shift their own meaning over time. Our concept was to intertwine images of an outer world-overgrown, rusting and moving on in its decay-with an inter-world that is largely going through the same process as a result, but is markedly separate as well. We never see one observe or interact with the other, yet they are the same and of the same world.

Watch and listen to “Permanent Embrace” below.

American Standard is out 8/23 on Sacred Bones.

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