Dean Spunt – “Gonzo Bop”

Dean Spunt – “Gonzo Bop”

No Age’s Dean Spunt has a new solo album on the way. Basic Editions, dropping in September, is billed as “an excursion in electronic sound that instrumentally unpacks his fascination with language — in this case, the syntax of systems and processes of various 64-voice E-mu modules.” Opening track “Gonzo Bop” is meditative yet off-kilter in a vaporwave sort of way. Check out the Spunt-directed video below.

01 “Gonzo Bop”
02 “Critic In A Coma
03 “European Cardboard
04 “Boom Times At The Phatt Farm
05 “Apricot Child
06 “Confusion Is SysEx
07 “Highlighter Bombastic
08 “Fructose
09 “The Eternal Present
10 “Find Me In The Forums

Basic Editions is out 9/27 on Drag City. Pre-order or pre-save it here.

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