Ripped To Shreds – “Perverting The Funeral Rites, Stripping For The Dead”

Ripped To Shreds – “Perverting The Funeral Rites, Stripping For The Dead”

In 2022, San Jose death metal warriors Ripped To Shreds released their Relapse Records debut 劇變 (Jubian) and became a Stereogum Band To Watch. Now, Ripped To Shreds have announced plans to follow that album with a new one called Sanshi, and Google tells me that it’s named after the spiritual worms that live inside the human body in Daoist folklore.

Along with the album announcement, Ripped To Shreds have shared the new single “Perverting The Funeral Rites, Stripping For The Dead.” It’s an ultra-fast onslaught that, according to a press release, is “inspired by obscure funeral rites in Taiwan, wherein exotic dancers perform lithe rituals for living and dead alike.” Sick! The song comes with a very cool JR Shih-directed video that’s full of spikes and swords. Here’s what Ripped To Shreds leader Andrew Lee says about the song:

We wanted to come out of the gates swinging with our most morbid and grinding material yet. “Perverting…” showcases our new live approach with constant vocal and solo tradeoffs, and we shot the video in Taiwan with a real Daoist priest as a natural extension of RTS’ narrative approach to songwriting.

Below, check out the video and the Sanshi tracklist.

01 “Into The Court Of Yanluowang”
02 “Force Fed”
03 “燒冥紙 (Sacrificial Fire)”
04 “孽鏡臺 (Visions Of Sin, Mirror Of Darkness)”
05 “Feast Of The Deceased”
06 “Horrendous Corpse Resurrection”
07 “Living In Effigy”
08 “冥婚 (Corpse Betrothal)”
09 “Cultivating Towards Ascension”
10 “Perverting The Funeral Rites, Stripping For The Dead”

Sanshi is out 9/27 on Relapse.

Christopher Johnston

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