Jane Remover – “Flash In The Pan” & “Dream Sequence”

Jane Remover – “Flash In The Pan” & “Dream Sequence”

Jane Remover, an artist who resists pretty much any possible designation, released her Census Designated album last year, and now she’s got other stuff going on. Last month, Jane Remover remixed Tinashe’s viral hit “Nasty.” Next month, she’ll head out on tour with JPEGMAFIA and RXK Nephew. Today, she’s got two new songs.

The new tracks “Flash In The Pan” and “Dream Sequence” show different sides of what Jane Remover can do. “Flash In The Pan” has bits and pieces of shoegaze and hyperpop in the mix, but it’s more of an anxious, emotive rap flex, complete with hyperactive 808s and DJ scratches. Jane Remover delivers her lyrics in Lil Peep-style melodic cadences: “I left my patience back at 30th St. station/ I got a thousand miles on my next life/ Everybody think they own a piece of me/ If you want a little taste, you can bite it.”

“Dream Sequence” goes more directly into Jane Remover’s emotive shoegaze side. It’s got a big, gooey riff and tender, vulnerable lyrics about someone who’s too safe and timid to really go out and live life. Both songs are really good, and you can hear them below.

“Flash In The Pan” b/w “Dream Sequence” is out now on deadAir. Read our 2023 feature on Jane Remover here.

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