Booji Boys Return With A Killer Three-Song Demo

Booji Boys Return With A Killer Three-Song Demo

Halifax punks Booji Boys were among the Best New Bands Of 2018, but the last we heard from them was 2020 upon the release of the brilliantly titled compilation track “Sex Genius.” Today they’re back with a three-song promo tape, all of it crammed into a single track on Bandcamp that lasts less than six minutes. That time will be well-spent for you: “TASTE OF LUV,” “MORE IS TAKEN,” and “HOTLINE” are scrappy, punchy, ferociously catchy guitar bangers that suggest we all ought to have our antennas tuned to Nova Scotia to hear what’s next. In the meantime, enjoy Demo Promo 2024 !​!​?​? below.

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