Pet Shop Boys’ Neil Tennant Joins Bronski Beat On “Why?” 40th Anniversary Remix

Pet Shop Boys’ Neil Tennant Joins Bronski Beat On “Why?” 40th Anniversary Remix

The ’80s British synthpoppers Bronski Beat are not an active band. Keyboardist and percussionist Larry Steinbachek died of cancer in 2017, and Steve Bronski, the group’s namesake and cofounder, passed away in 2021. But Bronski Beat have a legacy to maintain, and it’s an important one, since they were an openly queer act that sang about queer issues and still found pop success in a hostile time. The legacy is also an evolving thing. Earlier this year, Bronski Beat’s hit “Smalltown Boy” became a TikTok challenge, right around the time of its 40th anniversary.

Right now, Bronski Beat are getting ready to release a 40th-anniversary reissue of The Age Of Consent, their classic debut album. It’ll include “Smalltown Boy” remixes from Planningtorock and ABSOLUTE., as well as a new take on the all-out banger “Why?” from the American house producer Superchumbo. That remix features new vocals from Pet Shop Boys leader Neil Tennant, which feels totally appropriate. Like Bronski Beat, the Pet Shop Boys were a hugely popular openly gay synthpop group, and they’ve also seen their classic hits being revived on TikTok.

Here’s what Bronski Beat singer Jimmy Somerville says about the Superchumbo remix:

I’ve known Tom [Stephan, aka Superchumbo] for a good few years now, and when I asked him if he’d like to do a remix of “Why?,” he said yes straight away. The song is a part of his story. I was so moved when he shared that story with me. The lyric is our shared experience, as it is for so many others… And forty years later, the lyric still tells the story of LGBTQi+…. the hate, the violence, the discrimination, the imprisonment and state-sanctioned murder of those who dare to be their true selves, and it’s happening somewhere right now as I write this…

I was fucking whooping like a banshee round my kitchen when Tom told me Neil would like to contribute! To speak the lyrics of “Why?” and to hear Tom’s musical reworking of the track is fucking mind-blowing. So to hear Neil, one of our greatest pop lyricists, speaking my words… It brings it into the here and now and also retains its history with my original vocal. I genuinely felt moved.

Superchumbo says:

My goal was to create an updated mix that fits well with contemporary sounds while preserving the original intensity and energy. After I submitted the mix, Jimmy asked me if I could include a few more lyrics from the original song. I had recently watched a Pet Shop Boys documentary where Neil Tennant read some of his lyrics, which moved me to tears. I imagined Neil speaking these lyrics, creating a powerful contrast. I left Neil a voicemail on my way to a gig abroad, and by the time I reached Heathrow I had his vocals on my phone, added them to the track on my flight, and played it that night!

It is a great honour to work on this iconic song with two legends who were lifelines to me while growing up gay in a small town.

Below, hear Superchombo’s hard-edged house remix and check out the original “Why?” video.

Bronski Beat’s deluxe Age Of Consent reissue is out 10/18 on London Records.

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