The Album Fucked Up Made In 24 Hours Is Streaming For 24 Hours Only

The Album Fucked Up Made In 24 Hours Is Streaming For 24 Hours Only

On Tuesday, Fucked Up began the process of writing, recording, and mixing a brand-new album all in 24 hours, livestreaming the whole thing. They pulled it off, and now that album — titled Who’s Got The Time & A Half? — is on Bandcamp, where it’ll only be available to stream and buy for 24 hours.

Who’s Got The Time & A Half? isn’t just a measly little EP, either. It’s a whole 11 tracks with a very respectable runtime. You can stream it below, unless you’re reading this after 1PM ET Thursday, in which case I’m sorry.

01 “No One’s Left”
02 “Card Me A Punch”
03 “On The East Side”
04 “YNIC”
05 “Living Nightmare”
06 “What’s New? (Mary Lou)”
07 “Make You Mine”
08 “Sometimes”
09 “Conspiratorial Relations”
10 “Hold Up Half The Sky”
11 “A Little Friend Of Mine”

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