PLAYYTIME – “Deadman”

PLAYYTIME – “Deadman”

Last year, Zulu released “Where I’m From,” a track with guest vocals from Soul Glo’s Pierce Jordan and from Obioma Ugonna, leader of the Atlanta hardcore band PLAYYTIME. That was the first time I’d ever heard of PLAYYTIME, but they’ve been around for a while, and they released an album called The Fun Never Ends in 2020. Today, they’ve got a new song, their first since that LP.

The new PLAYYTIME track “Deadman,” the first taste of an upcoming EP called Deadman Tapes, is a full-on midtempo hardcore stomper, up until the moment when some weird shoegazey melodies erupt onto the track and add a whole new dimension. This is a strange collision of two very heavy guitar tones, and it works beautifully. Check it out below.

Deadman Tapes is out 8/30 on Rope Bridge Records.

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