Fentanyl – “Silver Hour”

Fentanyl – “Silver Hour”

When a band picks a name as wildly, intentionally offensive as Fentanyl, then you know they mean business. When the new band Fentanyl announced their existence a few weeks ago, we had people emailing to lecture us about even posting a band with a name like that. Well, uh, sorry. Fentanyl are a punk band. Punk bands sometimes do distasteful things, like naming themselves Fentanyl.

Fentanyl are a Bay Area hardcore supergroup, and their lineup includes members of bands like Spiritual Cramp, Spy, and World Peace. The band’s self-titled debut is out next month, and they already shared three tracks. Now they’ve got another one, a frantic and tinny minute-and-a-half slash-attack called “Silver Hour.” They’ve also announced a tour with their fellow offensively named Convulse Records act Mexican Coke, a total no-brainer team-up. The Phoenix and Boise dates have absolutely ridiculous lineups. Below, check out “Silver Hour” and those tour dates.

9/29 – Bakersfield, CA @ 415 BKFD *
9/30 – Los Angeles, CA @ TBA *
10/01 – San Diego, CA @ Che Cafe *
10/02 – Phoenix, AZ @ The Rebel Lounge #
10/03 – Albuquerque, NM @ Ren’s Den *
10/04 – Denver, CO @ Seventh Circle ^
10/05 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Church & State ^
10/06 – Boise, ID @ El Korah Shrine %
10/07 – Spokane, WA @ The Big Dipper ^
10/08 – Vancouver, BC @ Bully’s Studios ^
10/09 – Seattle, WA @ Lucky Liquor ^
10/10 – Portland, OR @ Black Water ^
10/11 – Sacramento, CA @ Cafe Colonial ^
10/12 – San Francisco, CA @ Neck of The Words ^

* with Mexican Coke
^ with Mexican Coke & Asbestos
# with Gel, MSPAINT, Destiny Bond, The Mall, & Mexican Coke
% with Sunami, Ingrown, Torn, Apex Predator, Mexican Coke, & Asbestos

Fentanyl is out 9/13 via Convulse. If your copy is late to arrive, there’s a good reason for that.

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