SALES’ Lauren Morgan Shares Debut Single As Lorg

SALES’ Lauren Morgan Shares Debut Single As Lorg

The unsigned indie band SALES had been plugging along for years when, in the depths of COVID isolation, their music went viral on TikTok in 2020. SALES released a few singles after that, but they’ve been silent since 2022. Now Lauren Morgan, one half of the band, is back with the first single from a new solo project.

As Morgan explained in a note on Instagram last month, SALES are not defunct, but significant life changes inspired a new creative guise. “Brandy,” Morgan’s first single as Lorg, is not a radical departure from the SALES sound, but it presents a slightly more sleek and sophisticated take on Morgan’s signature minimalist indie-pop.

Here’s what Morgan had to say on IG:

Sometimes we get messages from people asking if we are alive, or if we still make music, or when the tour will be rescheduled. And I’ve struggled to answer you all because I love this project, and I don’t want to let anyone down.

I think I’ve been owing you all an apology for the radio silence. SALES has been my world for so long, it’s taken a while to come to terms with the growing pains I’ve had the past couple of years.

SALES has been at the center of our lives for over a decade – one by one, milestones have come and gone. We’ve been together for all of it.

I look back and remember late nights, getting off work and heading to Jordan’s apartment to work on a song. The first show we ever played was at a UCF house party where nobody cared and our soundboard fried after someone spilled beer all over it. When we released these songs, it really felt like it was just for us. And slowly, year by year, seeing more people at the shows, seeing the way you all connected with the songs, hearing you all sing the lyrics… that feeling is unreal. I’ve never really been able to fully comprehend how you all ran with our songs during the pandemic. Seeing how you all connected with our music (even if the lyrics did get a little messed up) totally saved me from falling into complete oblivion. Go little rockstar 😉

I didn’t believe in myself before SALES, and I wouldn’t have the guts to go solo without the support and encouragement from my oldest friend and collaborator, Jordan. I feel so lucky to be a part of this project. I’ve got gratitude coming out of my ears. We’ve traveled the world playing our music, we’ve met so many of you wonderful people, we’ve eaten so well, and we’ve really lived the dream. Thank you ❤️

SALES is going to live forever & ever, it’s not going anywhere. But I’ve changed a lot and I’ve needed an outlet for all of this growth. So I’ve been tinkering away, putting my blood, sweat, and pu**y into a solo project, Lorg. I’d feel really lucky to have y’all follow along, y’all are the best!

<3 Lorg

And here’s the new tune:

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