Wild Pink – “Eating The Egg Whole”

Wild Pink – “Eating The Egg Whole”

John Ross will return with a new Wild Pink album next month. It’s called Dulling The Horns, and he announced it with the lead single “The Fences Of Stonehenge.” Now, we have another one with another fun title, “Eating The Egg Whole.”

“Eating The Egg Whole” is a cheekily self-deprecating barnburner, complete with big, sweeping heartland rock choruses. “My stupid ass is always searching/ Hoping for a pearl when I open up my fist,” Ross sings in the final lines. There’s also a bunch of sports references, which reminds me of a certain Wild Pink tourmate. Here’s what Ross says of the tune:

This song came together when I was watching the Michael Jordan doc on Netflix. I grew up an Orioles fan, and the connection between Jordan and DMV sports just kinda happened on its own. It’s also kind of about how unrelaxing it is to watch TV and scroll on your phone. Super fun song to play live, def one of my favorites now.

Listen to “Eating The Egg Whole” below.

Dulling The Horns is out 10/4 on Fire Talk. Pre-order it here.

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