Sprints – “Feast”

Sprints – “Feast”

Somehow, we are still in the same year when the self-professed Dublin “garage noise” band Sprints released their phenomenal debut album Letter To Self. (It came out on the very first New Music Friday of 2024, which now feels like a very long time ago.) They’ve had a months of ups and downs since then, including lots of great performances but also some sordid audience behavior and the departure of founding guitarist Colm O’Reilly. They’ve also kept releasing new music in the wake of their debut LP.

Back in May, Sprints shared a pair of new songs, “Help Me I’m Spiralling” and “Drones.” Today they’ve got one more for us. “Feast” veers into the glam-grunge territory inhabited by bands like Cherry Glazerr as Karla Chubb repurposes biblical imagery in a queer context. “She chewed me up like dinner,” goes one refrain. The track gets more and more pleasingly intense as it goes along. Listen below.

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