Mexican Coke Kicked Off Fenantyl Tour After Frontman Reportedly Fights Audience In SLC

Mexican Coke Kicked Off Fenantyl Tour After Frontman Reportedly Fights Audience In SLC

Over the past year or two, the Houston hardcore punk band Mexican Coke has built up a reputation by playing anarchic, theatrical live shows. In the past, band members have work ski masks onstage, and the band’s singer has pointed a presumably-fake shotgun at audiences. Recently, Mexican Coke headed out on tour with the Bay Area hardcore band Fentanyl, another Convulse Records act named after a dangerous illicit substance. (Given everything I just told you, it’s probably safe to say that Mexican Coke are not named after the Coca-Cola with sugar instead of corn syrup.) This past weekend, Mexican Coke were removed from that tour after a Salt Lake City show that went badly.

The Fentanyl/Mexican Coke/Asbestos tour came to Salt Lake City’s Church & State on Saturday night. According to this Reddit thread, Mexican Coke’s frontman “spent the entire show drinking in excess, treating young concert goers poorly, cussed out the audience, and continued to egg on a group of drunk punks in the audience.” Another Redditor claims that the singer used slurs, both racist and homophobic, and that he was “throwing beer cans in people’s faces.”

Those reports, it’s worth noting, are all unconfirmed. The one video we could find from the show doesn’t depict any of that. Instead, it looks like a pretty standard hardcore show, though maybe it’s notable that Mexican Coke didn’t bring the ski masks and the shotguns.

On Twitter yesterday, Fentanyl leader Kenny Turner posted that “Mexican Coke are no longer playing this tour.”

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