Robert Smith Says The Cure’s Songs Of A Lost World Companion Album Is “Ready To Go,” Third LP Of “Random Stuff” Plus A “Really Catchy Pop Song” Coming Too

Mark Metcalfe/Getty Images

Robert Smith Says The Cure’s Songs Of A Lost World Companion Album Is “Ready To Go,” Third LP Of “Random Stuff” Plus A “Really Catchy Pop Song” Coming Too

Mark Metcalfe/Getty Images

In November, the Cure returned with Songs Of A Lost World, their first new album in 16 years. The record achieved #1 on the charts, and we named it one of the best LPs of the year. Now, Robert Smith has talked a little bit about its companion album the separate album that are on the way.

“There is another album which is pretty much ready to go. It’s sort of its companion piece,” he said in an interview with Absolute Radio’s Danielle Perry. “And then there’s a third one which is completely different. It’s really kind of random stuff, like late-night studio stuff. But some of it is really good actually, it’s just very, very different.”

“This Songs Of A Lost World album is a really emotional piece of work and the companion piece, it’s not quite as dark but it explores other subjects a little bit more,” he continued. “The third one is very odd, actually. I haven’t finished the words to that one because my headspace has been much more focused on performing these ones. I don’t really want it to end because it’s been so good. The reaction to the new music has been so, so great. It’s been really lovely to feel people giving us all the love.”

He also broke down the album with the Charlatans’ Tim Burgess. Watch clips and the full interview below.

UPDATE: Also “I have written a really catchy pop song!” Smith tells Radio X’s John Kennedy. “I’m struggling to figure out how I’m gonna release it. Having been up in town all day, the amount of times I’ve heard ‘Last Christmas.’ I think I just need to stick some Christmas words on it and get it out there!”

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