bdrmm – “Infinity Peaking”
It’s been a couple years since we’ve checked in on the sleek and gloomy, synth-powered Hull quartet bdrmm, and in the interim they announced Microtonic, their new album dropping next month on Mogwai’s Rock Action label. The latest single is “Infinity Peaking,” a noise-strewn slow-glide that feels both darkly dramatic and weirdly triumphant, even as singer-guitarist Ryan Smith repeats the refrain, “And it feels like I’m losing my way/ And it feels like I’m losing the way.”
A word from Smith:
Infinity Peaking perfectly encapsulates the band we were and the band we are now, that careful balance of shoegaze and electronica. It was written when I was in Malaga, and is the first track I wrote that wasn’t in some dingy bedroom. I feel like it captures the location that is reminiscent on The Durutti Column’s Hotel of the Lake, 1990.
It’s a track that is full of true joy (despite the lyrics) and it was a pleasure to work on in the studio. It’s one that we felt we could really get into the experimentation on, especially in the long spanning mid-section. We’re always happiest when we’re sat on the floor of the studio surrounding the latest pedal we bought, each dying to have a pass on it.
Listen below along with prior single “John On The Ceiling.”
01 “goit” (Feat. Working Men’s Club)
02 “John On The Ceiling”
03 “Infinity Peaking”
04 “Snares”
05 “In The Electric Field” (Feat. Olivesque)
06 “Microtonic”
07 “Clarkycat”
08 “Sat In The Heat”
09 “Lake Disappointment”
10 “The Noose”
Microtonic is out 2/28 via Rock Action. Pre-order it here.