Neko Case Explains Her Unique Festival Style To NY Times
Yesterday, Neko Case’s band, the New Pornographers, announced their new album, Brill Bruisers, and shared its fantastically catchy title track. That coincides with a recent interview Case did with The New York Times, in which the singer-songwriter discussed her personal style and its relation to her performance, specifically at Governors Ball, where she wore a thrift-store t-shirt with cut-off sleeves, skeleton pants from a Halloween sale, and Iron Maiden Vans. According to Case, her look is most inspired by:
Practicality, comfort, oddness, ambiguity. My style Icons are Cathrine Ringer of the French pop band Les Rita Mitsouko and Grace Jones. They can both be a lady and a dude and all manner of freaky inbetween. They are powerful and brave. They actually make me swoon.
Read the full article here.