10. deadmau5
House music superstar deadmau5 has a rider full of modest requests for food, such as candy, nuts, string cheese, and fresh fruit and veggies. Of course, the ubiquitous beer, vodka, and cans of Redbull make an appearance as well to wash it all down. Things get a little more diverse in the “other” section, though, where he requests Marlboro lights and a lighter, two pairs of size 9 socks (one black and one white, natch), two bottles of shower gel, and, for reasons we can only guess at, one inflatable animal of at least 5′ in height and fully inflated. I guess if you’re a solo performer with no bandmates with which to party, and you don’t want to party with the crew, what other choice do you have than to party with an inflatable animal? Maybe that’s who the second bottle of shower gel is for too.
See the full rider here.