Michael Phelps Would Like A Footlong Pancake With Sliced Pancakes, Chopped Pancakes, Extra Pancakes, And Pancake Sauce
Michael Phelps is an American champion who has made sports history, and nothing can take that away from him. NOT THAT HE HASN'T BEEN TRYING. But in the case of his new Subway commercial, I'm not even sure what is going on. I mean, I definitely know that eating Subway sandwiches does not make anyone a champion. The closest they ...
Bob Dylan Responds To Backup Dancer Who Says She Was Told Not To Make Eye Contact
Lil Wayne, Snoop Dogg, & Nas Respond To Kendrick Lamar’s “Wacced Out Murals” Namechecks
Premature Evaluation: Kendrick Lamar GNX