Snickers Satisfies Hunger For Confusing Bigotry
This is an ad for Snickers (via Gawker). We'll talk about it in a second. [videoembed size="full_width" alignment="center"][/videoembed] Bzzzzzzzzt. Something in my brain just exploded. Exploded to the MAX. On the face of it, this ad is crazy homophobic, but then the tagline is "Get Some Nuts." Ay ay ay. Is that even a thing? Is speed walking a homophobe ...
Bob Dylan Responds To Backup Dancer Who Says She Was Told Not To Make Eye Contact
Lil Wayne, Snoop Dogg, & Nas Respond To Kendrick Lamar’s “Wacced Out Murals” Namechecks
Premature Evaluation: Kendrick Lamar GNX