Watch Céline Dion Impersonate Rihanna & Sia On The Tonight Show

The big news from late-night TV last night was Stephen Colbert bringing his old friend Jon Stewart out of retirement so that he could launch one huge, euphoric fuck-you at Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. It must’ve been hard for Jimmy Fallon to compete with that, but he did come up with something pretty entertaining. He brought the ’90s-dominating Canadian warbler Céline Dion in to play his Wheel Of Musical Impressions game, and she was down for it. Coming off like a very pleasant lunatic, Dion sang kids’ songs while impersonating Cher, Rihanna, and Sia. She also wore a dress that appeared to be made out of stitched-together broken glass and threw “Work“-video grinding into her Rihanna parody. And she sang all over Fallon’s impressions, which included a fairly impressive version of Michael Jackson singing Drake’s “One Dance.” Watch the absurdity unfold below.
I have never liked Céline Dion more than I do in this moment. I would also very much like to hear her Drake impression.