Eddie Vedder Helps Save Christmas For Maryland Family
Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder sent a Maryland family a check for $10,000 after seeing a viral Craigslist post from Tyshika Britten, a financially-struggling mother looking to buy gifts for her family during the holiday season. Vedder was just one of many to send donations, though he does seem to be the only celebrity. According to The Washington Post, when “the bank teller saw his name and the amount, his head dropped into his hands,” and the family has been watching Pearl Jam concerts online since receiving the donation.
“I was just so moved by the story and what this mother did for her children,” Vedder told The Washington Post. “I thought those kids must be so proud of their mother for reaching out. That takes a lot of courage.” Vedder reflected on his own childhood — “There were years there were toys from Santa, but they were used and they came from garage sales and they didn’t always work” — and recognizes that, while his check won’t solve all of their problems, he hopes it will act as “a tourniquet” to help them get back on their feet.