My Idea – “Breathe You”

OK McCausland

My Idea – “Breathe You”

OK McCausland

Next month, Lily Konigsberg and Nate Amos are releasing their debut full-length as My Idea, CRY MFER. They’ve shared two singles from it so far — the title track and “Crutch” — and today they’re back with one more, “Breathe You,” a syrupy duet that reflects the pair’s disintegrating relationship. Here’s Amos on how the song came together:

‘Breathe You’ was never really intended to be on the album. I made the hook/beat in the middle of a night when I was unable to sleep and sent it to Lily as a sort of ‘check out how ridiculous this is’ joke; she recorded the verses and sent it back within a day. This was during a really difficult time for both of us and we were processing our emotions in very different ways – I buried my sadness inside of humor and Lily wore hers on her sleeve. After it was finished we both forgot about it for months, eventually adding it to the album at the request of a few trusted friends. In spite of the absurdity of the song at a basic level it ended up being as honest and accurate as anything we’ve made, and it took us months to realize that. Usually I hand off my vocal parts to Lily, but this is one of a few moments where my demo vocals remain in the final cut. We are both really really proud of this song. It is not particularly easy for either of us to listen to but we hope that you (!) like it and find some consolation in it (whatever you may be dealing with at this time).

The track’s video was directed by Amos’ Water From Your Eyes bandmate Rachel Brown. Watch and listen below.

CRY MFER is out 4/22 via Hardly Art.

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