Lande Hekt – “Gay Space Cadets”

Lande Hekt – “Gay Space Cadets”

Muncie Girls leader Lande Hekt is back with a new solo album, House Without A View, the follow-up to her 2021 Album Of The Week-worthy debut Going To Hell. It doesn’t include “Romantic,” the one-off track that she put out a couple months ago, but there are 11 other new songs, including today’s lead single “Gay Space Cadets,” a chiming song about getting out of your comfort zone. “I wanna travel to the end of the world, two gay space cadets,” Hekt sings in the chorus. “I wanna go where we’re saying things like ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet’/ I wanna do things that I’m scared of and not live in regret.” Listen below.

01 “Half With You”
02 “Backstreet Snow”
03 “Cut My Hair”
04 “Gay Space Cadets”
05 “Always Hurt”
06 “House Without A View”
07 “Ground Shaking”
08 “What Could I Sell”
09 “First Girlfriend
10 “Lola”
11 “Take A Break”

House Without A View is out 9/23 via Get Better Records.

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