Screaming Females Finally Rock Alaska, The 50th State They’ve Ever Played

Bob Sweeney

Screaming Females Finally Rock Alaska, The 50th State They’ve Ever Played

Bob Sweeney

The great New Brunswick punk band Screaming Females have been around for almost 20 years, and in those two decades they’ve played in every state but one: Alaska. A few weeks ago, the band released a new album, Desire Pathway — named our Album Of The Week — and a couple weeks before that they announced that they would finally be headed to the only state they haven’t played a show in. That tour kicked off last night with a show at Alice’s Champagne Place in Homer, and it’ll continue over the next week with gigs in Talkeetna, Fairbanks, and Anchorage.

A few days ago, the Anchorage Daily News published an interview with the band, who seemed excited for their stint in Alaska. “Anyone who reads this and has access to a dog sled and will let us ride on it, please tweet at us, email us, whatever you need to do,” the band’s leader Marissa Paternoster said. “We want to do all the activities. We want to ride on a dog sled, we want to ride on a boat, we want to look at a moose, we want to see the northern lights. We want to do it all.”

“We’ve had 49 states done for quite a number of years now,” drummer Jarrett Dougherty added. “So we’ve always kind of tried to keep a line open to figure out how to get up to Alaska. And since we knew we’re gonna have this new record coming out, we figured that this was the best opportunity to get that done.”

Congrats to Screaming Females, and if you live in Alaska — go to their show!

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