LCD Soundsystem Subreddit Bans Shitposting About The Dare

Joe Maher/Getty Images

LCD Soundsystem Subreddit Bans Shitposting About The Dare

Joe Maher/Getty Images

If you’re of a certain age, your initial response to hearing the music of the Dare might’ve been something along the lines of, “This sounds like LCD Soundsystem.” Despite being born a couple of decades apart, the similarities are obvious: Both Harrison Patrick Smith and his forebear James Murphy make tongue-in-cheek dance punk. Both of them have been known to wear little suit jackets on stage. I’ve witnessed both of them wandering around lower Manhattan (separately). But now that the Dare has properly blown up thanks to a co-sign from Charli XCX, the comparisons are getting stale.

A moderator of the LCD Soundsystem subreddit made an announcement last week officially banning “singular posts” about the Dare. “We fear if we don’t step in, the subreddit will devolve into shitposting about the Dare (especially during off-peak season for the gang),” the mod wrote, linking to a handful of posts in the subreddit that have already either pointed out the similarities between the two, or just full-on dunked on the Dare. Some of it’s harsh!

Luckily for those who want to Darepost, there’s a whole other subreddit for that. Go crazy in there.

MOD ANNOUNCEMENT All singular posts about The Dare will be locked and removed
byu/beermeupscotty inLCDSoundsystem

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