Florist – “Have Heaven”

Florist – “Have Heaven”

Today New York folk quartet Florist are announcing a new album, Jellywish, coming in April. The follow-up to their 2022 self-titled album features last fall’s “This Was A Gift” as well as the just-released single “Have Heaven,” an enchanting bit of dream-folk that comes with a music video by animator Kohana Wilson.

Opening up about Jellywish, lead singer/guitarist/songwriter Emily Sprague says it’s intentionally meant to come across as complicated. “It’s a gentle delivery of something that is really chaotic, confusing, and multifaceted,” she says. “It has this technicolor that’s inspired by our world and also fantasy elements that we can use to escape our world.”

Sprague adds of “Have Heaven”:

We enter an observational fever dream about floating through liminal space between lifetimes, individual perceptions. There is reflection on our connectedness in joy and suffering through the wish for a peaceful place for our spirits to live and land. “Have Heaven” establishes the world of the album to be not quite always lucid, but rather a perspective that is blended into the worlds of the magic and death realms swirling around us. The chorus is a chant that pleads for a better symbiosis between these worlds, and between our earthly forms trying to survive alongside each other, bound to the systems we must exist within.

Listen to “Have Heaven below.”

01 “Levitate”
02 “Have Heaven”
03 “Jellyfish”
04 “Started To Glow”
05 “This Was A Gift”
06 “All The Same Light”
07 “Sparkle Song”
08 “Moon, Sea, Devil”
09 “Our Hearts In A Room”
10 “Gloom Designs”

Jellywish is out 4/4 via Double Double Whammy. Pre-order it here.

V Haddad

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