
Damn, was really hoping Armenian Orthodox priest was in his future...
YES very happy to see someone say TKOL is better than Hail to the Thief. 100% agreed.
"Bono looks sexy in the video, but he also looks like he’s trying very hard to convince you to come to a church meeting with him." What a perfect line
I think you're right. Multiple albums would be way easier to digest and would actually give the songs space to be heard. I just don't want the majority of the songs shelved especially when she seems to be enjoying such a creative high.
Joining the chorus here - "Summerlong" was easily one of last year's best. Can't wait for another album to take out on a long, aimless drive.
Three for three imo. Already better than "Walls"!
I don't care how unwieldy it would be, I want her to keep all 39 songs.
Not sure which I'm more tickled by - that picture of Elfman or the name Shrek 666. Much to consider here.
While I have faith in the soundtrack (his recent EP is fantastic), I'm not sure the movie will live up to my expectations - but I sure am glad it exists.
Ok but how dare you imply that "One By One" and "Wasting Light" weren't absolute bangers and among their best.
People are ragging on this but I could see it being used as background music in a bland scene in a forgettable tv show.
After the *perfection* that was "Like So Much Desire" this very well might be my most anticipated album.
Somehow, I don't believe him
Ugh, I feel insufferable liking someone this insufferable!
Critical support for "Southland Tales" - it is an absolute mess but it is a glorious fever dream of post 9/11 pop culture.
Oh, we're supposed to still be trying to like Weezer? That's still happening?
Ah, glad to finally know what's behind the fuss over this record which is perfectly fine but seemed far too unremarkable to warrant all this buzz.
Ah man, I was gonna make fun of this but that's actually a lovely reason to have them play...
Really *leeeeeaning* on into it, huh? I guess that's one way to deal with being an asshole.
Strong contender for headline of the year, right out of the gate.
As a fan, I do wonder if they'll ever have a discernable single again....
"You could imagine Scholz as some kind of outsider-artist savant if his music didn’t sound so damn normal." - honestly kind of why I've always loved Boston.
Words fail me trying to comprehend this line up but that is a damn fine cover.
what the fuck even are 100gecs
Do I miss the wild bluesy mess of early KoL? Yes. Are they now my favorite middle of the road pop rock band working today? Also yes.
Yeah, this hurts just as deeply as I was expecting it to...
The funny thing is, he definitely was one of the better lyricists out of these bands...
Yup, literally only clicked on the article to figure out whether their name was "Boy Band Why Don't We" which certainly seemed like a striking name.
Confirmed: this is the right music blog for me.
Sensational, 2020, absolutely sensational
Having never dug much into his solo career, I am quite pleasantly surprised exploring the first album in this series. Very interesting to hear him so loose.
My initial impression is that the title track is the best song between the two of them but, overall, it's the lesser record.
Please don't manifest this
Yes, more artists doing bluegrass reimaginings please
The levels in this joke....make me feel like I really need to get out of the house more.
Agreed! Certainly not his best but not the disaster that everyone acts like it was. Especially not in the "Chance is happy to be married - this album sucks!" way. Very strange.