
Alright guys, time to get your hate out: "The Big Day" was actually pretty good.
Holy shit, yes, I very much want more of this collab.
Huh, pleasantly surprised she actually 'reintroduced' herself through reggae. I miss when she was the queen of 3rd wave ska...
Petition to rename it the Cummy Awards. Who's with me?
Twee-ass self mythologizing has always been a part of their whole overly earnest brand! But your point is taken even if I'm not entirely sure how abusive the relationship was - none of us are. But it was undeniably shitty enough to warrant that whole mess so it sucks. I can't argue that people are entitled to their reactions, I'm just tired of all the fretting over whether they should be tossed out every time they come up. Just ready to fast forward so we can start talking about how damn near perfect "Skylight" is.
Yes, "Texas Sun"! Can't believe I forgot this one - literally just bought the vinyl. We desperately need a full length from that team.
Shouldn't people by now realize that the situation was overblown or do I have too much faith in people?
Oh also Molly Parden's "Rosemary"
While the Wye Oak one was great, the Flock of Dimes EP was absolute perfection and I cannot believe it's not on here.
Is anyone else unable to see their comments under their profile? I makes it harder to keep up with replies and whatnot.
The only reason I keep checking out every thing Kanye does, always chasing the high of the first time I listened to this record. It's really quite an accomplishment and you touch on exactly why - it's just *so much* and yet there's not a single bit of fat on it.
Oh yeah I needed a good long, deep cry this morning.
Ah good yes this most certainly won't be used for anything nefarious, no siree.
Damn this year is phenomenal. Great list as usual.
This is great for two reasons. One, it's a great cover. Two, maybe now people will accept that this is actually a great song in the first place.
They are right. This is some absolute bullshit. But Prine's name will outlive most of them there.
I guess the only thing he plans on catching are some sick riffs
LOL of course yall finally joined tik tok. Great redesign overall!
Somehow, the strangest part of this is finding out he's directing a prequel to that trash.
Shit reasons for existence but fantastic tracks
This is almost as good as the time she covered Tool. Exactly as sexy, tho.
I have not but it looks fascinating.
Unironically this is very cool
This album is hella bloated but it's a pretty solid throwback. "Outta My Mind" is top notch tho.
Did an edgy first year philosophy student name this record? I kid, I kid. I really dig this band. Glad they're making a go of it.
Andy Hull...produced Paris Jackson...huh, ok then 2020
Uh oh Kim Dracula better watch out (how has there not been a tik tok article about him lol)
As a pompous metal head who studies spirituality, I sure do love Liturgy's wild nonsense.
Ah yes, I needed my feelings hurt today. Thank you, Julien.
I legitimately freak out every time is see Julie's name mentioned. "Not Even Happiness" is still on constant rotation. We need a follow up, Julie!!!
oh hell yeah, hopefully this is the return to some listenable Sturgill (sorry)