
I would love the opportunity to have a freak out in one of these bubbles, yes.
Hoping maybe one day we'll get a Cannibal Corpse "Butchered at Birth" set!
Agreeed it's maddening how long of a shadow that throw away idea has taken.
An absolute masterpiece and Sufjan's best, imo.
I've been angry about a lot of things during pandemic but the Post Service teasing us only to release some damned rock the vote bullshit really ranks up there.
I'd prefer to see them live, playing new material but fine, 2020, this is FINE.
Yeah, that's the sort of mask I'd imagine her wearing.
Booooooooooooo for that first sentence. Then again, you are correct.
Great write up, perfect album, good God I feel old.
Yes (although, much to my surprise A Moon Shaped Pool's "True Love Waits" is a very close second for me)
She sure is good at being effortlessly charming, huh
Me neither. I didn't care much for "American Band" in general so it made the cover worse but, while I enjoy "The Unraveling" I'm still dreaming of a re-release down the line with a proper Wes Freed cover.
Adult Swim loves to make fantastic compilations that you can only listen to on their incredibly shitty platform.
Absolutely hate the reasons this is being released but very excited it is. Plus, we get a Wes Freed cover again!
Having just watched the debate, I'm doubtful this will occur.
They're not good or anything but this news pleases me.
Fleet Foxes and Sufjan on the same week??? My heart is in trouble...
The real answer is Blood on the Dancefloor.
I assume it includes the Nick Drake covers? More people should hear those.
Shaping up to be yet another surprisingly good album by Heidecker. One day, there will be enough to where I'll stop being surprised.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm trying to delete it
No clue what this album is going to be like but I cannot wait to get lost inside of it.
No, the correct answer is The Chemical Brothers' "Star Guitar"
Antemasque was a better ATDI follow up than the ATDI reunion album.
While I like Mars Volta as a whole more, one of my hottest takes is that Sparta's "Porcelain" is a better record than any of the Mars Volta albums.
Underwhelming album but the reunion shows absolutely kicked ass. But, to be fair, there was no way they could ever hope reach the heights of this one.
I know this will be deeply buried at this point but only now getting to listen and GREG DULLI COVERED ED HARCOURT. WHAT.
I don't care what anyone says, Mastodon is a gift that just keeps on giving.
I am not full of shit, thank you very much.
This year fucking sucks. What a loss.