
Whoa that Emma Ruth Rundle/Thou song is something else. More of that, yes please.
I'm not sure anything has ever confused and delighted me as much as this.
His apocalyptic trilogy will always be an all time favorite. Hesitant but excited for Busta to give us somemore.
Oof not sure I'm ready for this one although I'm sure I'll need it when it hits...
If there's one thing that makes me feel apocalyptic, it's the music of my youth slowly becoming sad dad music.
People are upset about this in the comments. I found it delightful?
Phenomenal article for a phenomenal movie/album/comic book/video game.
Gotta say, I don't find this surprising in the least.
I apologize in advance for this comment.
Please, stop, I can only get *so* hard
Virtual tiktok concert... Fuck, this timeline is bleak.
Mark was easily my favorite lyricist of the band so I'm really not sure how I have not been able to stand a single song they've released since Tom left...
I really dig his work but, every time I listen to him, it takes my brain a minute to remember that he's being serious.
Literally, same.
I'm shocked SHOCKED well not that shocked.gif
Oh...huh...this absolutely works for me.
Dammit, are they going to morph into Bring Me The Horizon 2.0? No thanks. "Errorzone" was *incredible*
I have to imagine. I genuinely haven't heard much of any buzz around that album.
Correct. My brain still cannot comprehend Hum appearing out of no where and releasing one of the greatest records of the year. I have not been able to stop listening to it.
Hey, another Nelly Furtado "Folklore" fan! There's at least two of us! Agreed to all of the above - easily her best and still holds up quite well for a pop album from that overly glossy era. "Explode" is especially something else, yes.
Jokes that probably won't land aside, this is a very solid album. Surprising collaborators who really sound great together.
Nelly Furtado did it better.
Is that Dave Nelson from...New Riders of the Purple Sage?
I can't wait to hear what either possibility sounds like.
Yes, yes, that's all well and, is Kanye gonna get The Mars Volta back together or what?
Hahaha this conversation is wild. Of course Mormons and Evangelicals wouldn't be familiar but why should that stop someone who was raised around the symbol from using it as a stage name? I'm just not sure why other people's confusion about an ancient symbol that means something quite specific is then being used to label an artist problematic in a different context.
Which ones would you say were wrong?
Correct. But there are theological - as well as, admittedly, aesthetic (tho there's overlap there) - reasons for altering the ethnicity. Either way, there's already an issue of "appropriation" that doesn't quite fit the category that they're being accused of.
Of course it doesn't shock me but you do realize that people of faith would have a different context and experience of these symbols, right?
So the argument is that people thought she was black? They just didn't understand what her name was specifically referring to?
Not sure how going by Blessed Madonna is any less of an "adoption" than Black Madonna because they're the same figures? Both are references to a Palestinian woman, in the end.
Which is racist. This is not. It's arguably more problematic depicting a Palestinian woman as white. Of course, there are reasons for changing their ethnicity across cultures but that's a different conversation entirely.
No, it's not. The Black Madonna has been historically venerated by white people for many centuries.
This is absolutely ridiculous. It is an important symbol to Polish Christians! Seems like maybe Monty Luke is unaware...