
Here's the thing, cancelling the world doesn't sound like the *worst* idea right now. If only we had the infrastructure/empathy to take care of one another....
I'm not the biggest fan of the record but it gave us "Empire Ants" so I'll forever be grateful for its existence.
It was only a matter of time before he embraced the full breadth of being a creative genius. No sarcasm, I'm very interested in whatever comes of this.
Messy bitch, the video.
You might be right but that would be unfortunate. I agree it's certainly the strongest and was hoping it was indicative of the rest...
Not sure why but releasing the last three songs on the album as lead singles bothers me...but at least they were each fantastic tunes.
Huh...she's really spot on about her tour manager. I genuinely would've assumed that was Matt. Great song.
Ah, a 311 reference just to make this even more...random.
Whew, that essay was heavy. The songs sound great but the message is wonderful.
If they needed money they could just, you know, not break up.
"Coffee won't save you but it helps, just work until you hate yourself, everyday a fresh new hell, 9-5 back to the well..." is actually a certified Oberst banger!
The fact that Moses Sumney isn't on this list is a travesty.
Bless Willie for refusing to slow down. Still a joy to see live.
Might've worked out better for him if he hadn't written such a boring record. The anime was cool tho, I guess.
I bet the mugger blushed when he played it cool.
Still not over the shock of how incredible "The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs" was and how little attention is seemed to receive. At least, in terms of what it deserved.
Always happy when Damien Rice crawls out from the dimly lit, rustic cabin of sadness I assume he lives in.
I'm looking forward to reflecting on this five years from now when it's super relevant and not just some pointless piece of knowledge lodged in my brain.
Look, I'm prone to hyperbole, but I'm already *obsessed* with this record. This is way better than I expected. And I expected to be quite good!
Oh bless Sufjan - king of the sadboi spiritualists. ThereAreDozensOfUs.gif
I mean, yeah, this makes perfect sense. Can't wait.
Two tracks in and I'm already blown away.
Bernie, chill, you got this demographic's vote already.
Yeah, I could high kick to this.
*No* complaints, of course, this is a solid tune. Very curious to hear the full record.
I was definitely expecting more of a Taylor Swift rather than a This is the Kit vibe.
Surprise Radiohead gifts are the best gifts.
You are incorrect. Take your down vote.
This one song is already better than his last two records. Color me cautiously excited.
As a fan of chill vibes, I approve.
That’s a lot of Jesus product...I mean, praise.
Oh wow, I made the list. Thanks, Robert Pattinson.