
The point is that it's *not* obvious. I'd imagine she'd be much more clever at pulling off satire than this.
Is she making fun or is she earnestly granola, I can't tell...?
Absolutely love the thought of Saget reading Asscastle.
Fantastic article! Absolutely love this 'movement'
This new Foxing is incredible, yes? Been on repeat for me, with brief breaks to sit with Lingua Ignota (tho that obviously deserves a looooot more time to sit with)
It'd be a lot better if this were actual clips. They sound fine but, come on Kacey, what are you doing.
Though, just a *bit* disappointed none the other DBT appear to be involved...
As a Georgia boy who is a fan of *all* of these folks I AM VERY EXCITED
DaBaby? More like DaPariah amirite
This hit right after I turned 15 and, honestly, probably went a looong way in helping rescue me from the nu-metal mire. What an incredibly magical month before 9/11...
Emoji song titles.............of course. Haven't enjoyed their poppier albums nearly as much but the idea of Martin producing the whole thing is appealing.
Oh yeah, this'll do nicely on a few loooooooooooooooong drives
holy SHIT....I thought this would be for like, internet trolling or some shit. Cancel the fuck out of this guy.
Wasn't sure about the last single but, Foxing you sonofabitch, I'm back in.
hmmmmmmmmmmm this is certainly a choice
Not only is the song fantastic, I have a new obscure spiritual movement to ponder! What a great name...
A new hovvdy album? Full of positive vibes? In the fall? YES PLEASE.
Oh *more* Wye Oak content?! Yes please.
This is a troll right. I mean, what is this shit?
What a lovely reflection of her album from Beck. Very nice.
Also this is unmistakably from the 90's
Not afraid to admit I'm excited for this.
Ugh of course he's impossibly laid back and cool. Dammit, I love them even more now.
This is the most perfect marriage of combo and content I can imagine. And if the first two singles are any indication, already living up to my expectations. I'm ecstatic, is what I'm saying.
For the record, I enjoy this. But it is decidedly "ok"
First of all, this album *ruled* all around. Second of all, this: “It’s okay! You don’t have to play my song so much! Play some other songs! We can listen to different music!” made me laugh very hard.
An unexpected tragedy to follow their unexpected return. Damn, damn, damn.
oh hey Elliot Smith! (I kid, this rules)
Truly, on literally every level, the world is a completely different place than it was a decade ago...