
As an Austin local, I just want to say EVERYONE SHOULD LISTEN TO AND GO SEE CALLIOPE MUSICALS ASAP (also, meet them after the show - they're rad)
Never considered a Ben Howard/This Is The Kit track and now it's all I want.
My initial reaction is to be angry about this but...fuck, they can do whatever they want. I'm there.
Obligatory: SO GOOD
Thank you for this deep belly laugh this morning
But for real, an album dear to my heart - came out when I was on a post-heartbreak cross country trip and, for all the reasons you mentioned, it opened up the road in ways I can't even begin to describe. Deeply grateful.
Perthection (I'll see myself out)
When you get a hold of her could you please ask WHERE THE NEXT RECORD IS PLEASE?
Absolute banger. Quick question tho: Is the lead singer 20 or 40?
Wouldn't say a *ton* but yeah "Under Cover of Darkness" is a banger.
I actually like Jay's corny verse at that song. It's the weakest one but that track is so phenomenal, it doesn't hurt it by any means. Anyway, this had me in tears.
Love that my dumb joke broke into the downvotes. Should've played it safe and been thirsty like everybody else! (this is also a joke)
Oh his production design was *perfection* no arguments there
Well, it's certainly pleasant but.............anti-climatic?
While I feel like people *might* be exaggerating just how affective this special is, it is undeniably an incredible piece of pandemic era art. Not that it isn't affective - I just think we're all on edge and he finds a way to poke at just about every exposed nerve that's rehearsed ad nauseum online. Plus, these songs are a real achievement in Bo's career. Every last one of them are incredibly (and annoyingly) catchy.
"hushed but propulsive acoustic song" is a description of every Jose Gonzalez song (I say with love)
Couldn't agree more - it dares you not to take it seriously and pulls off the bluff brilliantly. Plus, for a double album, there's barely an ounce of fat on there. Really impressive stuff. Happy to see The Marfa Tapes get some love. What a lovely record that is.
Also CFCF's "memoryland" needs more love.
No Gami Gang? Shenanigans! Happy to see Faye made the list before the release tho, that's exciting.
Just a bad joke. I'm more inclined to agree with you. Though, to be perfectly honest I was never really sure what Lorde's "aesthetic" was that she'd be abandoning now?
With that single artwork, it sure seems like she's working hard to one up Billie now that she's taken her throne.
This is fucking ridiculous. I love it.
Amnesiac *is* better than Kid A we should get *that* out of the way up front. (there are dozens of us . gif)
Nostalgia aside, this is a very good record. Not his best but a hell of a debut.
Very chaotic video for such a subdued song
I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS ALBUM SO FAR....except for this single which is ok. Still, hell yeah Foxing role playing game why not. The little arg role out has been a blast.
Just stopping by to say GAMI GANG is the greatest pop punk album this year (so far).
Oh I definitely am. Doesn't really make it easier to enjoy them tho.
I tried with their previous album but it never clicked. Listening to this, I can certainly appreciate some of the intricacies but so much of it strikes me as terribly dull. Mechanical, perhaps. Proficient but not particularly engaging. But the hype demands I try!
That is weird! Now, hopefully we can get a proper new album soon...
Oh good, another round of me trying to figure out why everyone loves this band so much...
This is really adding salt to the wound that is ACL (the closest festival to me)
Jenn Wasner supremacy continues unabated