
Ten years later and it's so bad, it's hard for me to believe it's the real artwork.
This sounds incredibly over the top and I cannot wait. I know everyone harps on "Golden Hour" but she's yet to release a bad record yet.
Yeah, this album's gonna be another banger.
Wasn't so sure about the first single but this is gooooooooood.
Damn, the stereogum community sure hates j cole huh
For clarification, I saw it at SXSW. Had very little concept of who Sparks was and now I am deeply in love with them. A true love letter.
Maybe because it's so much better than MASSEDUCTION but I don't know what anyone's talking about - this album rules. The sequencing can def be wonky but it is frequently *gorgeous.* Andrew WK about to release my favorite record of 2021? What's happening here? These first two singles fucking ROCK.
What a wonderful, unexpected surprise!
As someone who is very guilty of over spiritualizing their lyrics, I really appreciate his answer ha. This band has been and continues to be insanely underrated and I pray that this album pushes them even further into the public eye where they belong. Can't wait to hear it.
First of all, Mayer is underrated as a comedian. Secondly, this is the perfect format for him. Thirdly, dammit I'm still not going to purchase another fucking streaming service.
Ah, I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one with this extremely correct opinion!
This makes me want to put on some Passion Pit...? Love how diverse this band has become.
So much hate in the comments for this but I think their voices go quite well together.
What a delightful review. Cant wait.
If this is the beginning of the end, it's a hell of a note to go out on. Tho I'm honestly surprised they didn't burn out after "GINGER." that's a damn fine song!
I have wondered the same and I fear you might be on to something with Bon Iver. It didn't help that "Kiss Each Other Clean" was yet another sonic evolution in Beam's discography (even if it is their best album yet imo) and Bon Iver touched that sweet, sad spot that "Creek Drank the Cradle" did while Beam had clearly moved on. I hope he gets some proper re assessment because, yes, his albums since are all variously deserving of attention (love to hear some "Ghost on Ghost" love - what a fascinating experiment of an album that has only grown on me over the years). Anyway, I'm happy he's continuing this archive series bc his old style remains just as effective as ever.
The title is pretentious as hell but I am 100% down to read about his life and thoughts. The dude is just really fucking cool. You can't deny it!
From overt Christianity to esoteric new age. All is right in the world of spiritually sensitive sadbois.
The music is definitely not as bold as I'd hoped for but I'm certainly digging the aesthetic.
I love how this song retains every bit of its chaos despite being such a sleepy cover.
"Floral Prince" really knocked me on my ass. One of last year's best.
Is this a late april fools joke? Please say it is.
Guess it's time to start FREAKING OUT
What can I say? Old wookies miss the glory days.
I fell for ratboys around this time last year so happy anniversary to that too!
I mean, Too Many Zoos on Thursday outta get people hyped tho.
It's...fine. But, damn, the Roo used to be something truly special.
....this is how they're celebrating 20 years? Oof
Whew, you are spot on about uniquely wordy. That was intense.