
Pretty exciting that, instead of becoming the one hit wonder he was seemingly destined to be, Lil Nas X has become our first true pop star shitposter. It's fantastic. Also that song has been in my head for days so he's pretty good at the music thing too.
Do I remember this album? Shit, I remain a huge fan to this day! He's had several solid albums since but "Arranging Time" was criminally over looked.
I was so embarrassed by how much I dug this soundtrack in high school lol. It's so much fun.
Absolutely agreed. Still his best solo effort.
It's so good, I continue to check out every thing they're involved with - diminishing returns be damned.
I...........what. I honestly don't know how to react to this.
It absolutely is reminiscent of Sepultura and it fucking rules.
I don't know why exactly but the thought of Beck and Paul paling around feels deeply bizarre to me.
First an album about spiritual struggle and now an album set in the appalachian foothills? I seem to be so specifically the audience for this guy's work that it's kind of unnerving.
Still can't quite get into their sound but holy hell that video rules.
Great reflection on a flawed album but can we please reassess "First Impressions of Earth" aka the best Strokes album??
Wow, what a video! Mesmerizing just like the song.
And now Oh Boy announced a Broken Hearts and Dirty Windows Volume 2!!!!!
Honestly...Dua. That's it, that the post.
The Head and the Heart remains the only stomp and holler band worth giving a shit about.
Yes, as much as I love "Nearer My God," "Dealer" deserves just as much, if not more, praise.
Ah, I can finally log in again to say THIS BAND IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. I was not prepared.
Yeah it all feels a bit too "teenage try hard gets deep on his bedroom pop album." Song's good tho.
Love the sentiment but that title is dumb as hell.
I'm in the "postmodernity is just modernity trying to convince itself of its own cleverness" camp, personally.
Yeah this feels like a good summer bop
I'm excited for this shift. The gap between the styles of S/T and "Masseducation" never felt very wide to me as the last record suffered for it (not that it was bad just not as good). Excited to hear her switch it up again.
That is exactly what modernity is! There is no center, so we spin around a handful of referents hoping that we'll fill up the void. But, like you said, entropy - maybe when it fizzles out, we'll be on to something new.
Oof yes that one too.
Ah the irony is too much. "Printer's Devil" was a big part of my early lockdown soundtrack, especially on aimless drives to get out of the house. ..............I am so tired of this endless year.
"Cave's depiction of divine intervention is beautiful and terrible in a manner that reminds me of "Seven Swans" by Cave's fellow Flannery O'Connor reader Sufjan Stevens — or maybe Spiritualized if Jason Pierce dropped the drug metaphors and mainlined the book of Revelation instead." This is a hell of a description and exactly spot on.
Another absolute banger.
Whew yet another overwhelming aesthetic. Can't wait.
I don't know why exactly but I'm excited
Still not over the irony of writing an album ruminating about whether or not a life of music is worth it and then the pandemic happens. Shit sucks. Anyway def looking forward to this. Real Estate rules.
Yes, good, this sounds like it will hurt me. That's all i can hope for.
You know, they could just go ahead and break up. Or transition to releasing music under +44, or whatever. It's so easy not to keep doing this to their legacy.
Absolutely sensational. I love it. itswhatshedeserves.gif